如but, and,后接句子,连接并列句时前面逗号可有可无。当然连词也可放句首,这一点在考官范文里有很多体现。
例:In the past, populations were partly regulated by frequent war and widespread disease, but in recent years the effects of those factors have been diminished. (并列句中的连词)
段落开始: But how should it be achieved·( 连词放句首)
如before, despite:后接名词或动名词
例:Before talking about the essential role of death penalty, you have to think about the meaning, and the purpose, of any kind of punishment.
1. moreover/ what’s more/ furthermore/ besides/ in addition (副词)
2. in addition to/ besides/ apart from (介词)
例: Apart from these tensions caused by cultural differences, international tourism may also lead to conflicts between tourists and a local community. (可代替词汇:in addition to, besides)
1. although/ though/ even though/ even if/while (连词)
2. in spite of/ despite (介词)
3. no matter how/when/ what (连词)
例: In spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied.
They are allowed to buy whatever they want, no matter how much it cost (考官高分句式)
翻看考官范文,我们发现当中有些副词(最典型为 for example, however, therefore)放在句子中间,前后用逗号隔开,这种句式也是相当的经典。例如:
There is, however, another problem way of defining that part of the quotation.
I think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in the general public.
They will, for example, be able to fly planes and they will be able to co-ordinate the movements of several planes in the vicinity of an airport.
barring:except,not including除.....外
failing:in default of因缺少.....;在缺少...时
following:after in time;as a sequel to在....以后
including:if we include如果包括我.....包括在内
regarding:about,concerning,in respect of U SM4K
according tas stated by/ in proportion根据....../依照......
ahead of:further forward in space or time sb/sth; ealier tan sb/sth; further
advanced than sb/sth
along with:in addition to;together with另外,加之,还有
apart from:exceping,not considering; in addition to除......外/且莫说;除....之外尚有
as for:with regard to至于
as of=as from
as regards:about,concerning至于,就......而论
as twith regard to关于,至于
Because of
but for:without the help or hindrane etc.of假如没有.....(帮助或障碍等);要不是
by means of凭借.......的方法
due to because of 由于
except for:not including,other than 除了
in accordance with:in conformity to一致;依据
in front of:ahead of ,in the presence of在前面;当着.......的面
in place of:in exchange for,instead of作为......的交换
in spite of:notwithstanding不管,不顾
instead of:in place of
in view of:considering由于,鉴于
with a view twuth the hope or intention of 指望,考虑到
near tto or at a short distance from(in space,time,condition,or resemnlance)
next talmost,virtually 几乎
on account of: beause of
on behalf of:in the interests of;as representative为了......的利益/代表
owing tbecause of 由于
prior tbefore在前,居先
together with:as well as和,连同
up tuntil/below or equal to直到/不多于
in regard to=with regard tas concerns,in respect of
in that由于,因为
now that由于
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