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强调的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-06-01 09:03:38来源:励普网



opposition to nuclear power plants,with the accent on total elimination
反对核电站,并强调要彻底消除Rewrite the sentences below, emphasizing as man parts as possible.
改写下列句子,强调尽可能多的成分。The paper lays emphasis on the economic effects.
这文件强调经济方面的影响。It is impossible to exaggerate its importance.
无论怎样强调它的重要性也不过分。Besides the above points, we must also emphasise other issues.
除了上述的几点之外,我们也必须强调其他几方面的问题。In this treatise, we emphasize first-order splines
在这一处理中,我们强调一级样条。Clearly a tug of war over key policies continues between the pragmatic and ideological camps.
不言而喻,注重务实的和强调意识形态的两大营垒还会在重大政策问题上争吵不休。descartes also emphasized the degree of the equation of a curve as the measure of its simplicity
德斯卡堤又强调曲线方程是衡量曲线繁简的标准。Its historical division stresses the study of U.S. history and preservation of Americana.
其历史分部强调研究美国历史和保存有美国特色的文物 I would like to emphasize that civilized society in the world of today should reject firmly any cult in any form.

v. 强调;使突出,使明显;加强…的语气,重读

An attitude that emphasizes tangible profit or success.
强调有形利润或成功的看法Being seated emphasized his shortness.
他坐着显得特别矮小。Which word should I emphasize?
我应该重读哪个词?He emphasized the importance of careful driving.
他强调了小心驾驶的重要性。The necessity to raise the agglomerate grade is emphasized.

n. 精神压力;心理负担;紧张;重音;重要性
v. 强调,着重;加压力于;重要性

Many English words have weak stress or no stress.
许多英文单词有非重读的弱重音或无重音。development bond stress
张拉区间粘着应力 Lay stress on / upon
着重,重视These quantities are called stress resultant.
这些量叫做合应力。 You must stress the word.

相关内容: 强调的英文怎么说 励普网


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