发布时间:2022-07-12 14:50:50来源:励普教育综合
承诺:90分协议; 考分不满90分,免费报销第一次考试费并免费重读所报课程精品阶段。
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In discussing the growth of cities in the United States in the nineteenth centuryone cannot really use the term "urban planning,” as it suggests modern concerns for spatial and service organization which, in most instancesdid not exist before the planning revolution called the City Beautiful Movement that beaan in the 1890s.While there certainly were urban areas that were"planned” in the comprehensive contemporary sense of the word before that date, most
notably WashingtonD.Cthese were the exception. Most“planned"in the nineteenth century was limited to areas much smaller than a city and was closely associated with developers trying to
make a profit from a piece of land.Even when these small-scale plans were well designed, the developers made only those improvements that were absolutely necessary to attract the wealthy segment of the market.Indeed,it was the absence of true urban planning that allowed other factors to play such an important role in shaping the nineteenth-century American city.
1.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A.Understanding the growth of cities in nineteenth-century America requires recognizing how the City Beautiful Movement of the 1890s changed "urban planning.
B.For the most part there was no urban planning”as that term is understood today before the beqinning of the City Beautiful Movement in the 1890s.
C.oncerns for spatial and service organization had little impact on the growth of cities before the 1890s when the City Beautiful Movement began.
D.The growth of cities in nineteenth-century America resulted in the creation of the City Beautiful Movement in the 1890s and the rise of the term "urban planning."
(1)best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage
(2)Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways
(3)or leave out essential information.
朱天茶用羊云 炫心点是结论句,相这样的理论我们来对之前的句子进行心下外理。,核心总是结论8句。很据这样的埋论我们来对之别的句子进行以个外埋
In discussing the growth of cities in the United States in the nineteenth centuryone cannot really use the term "urban planning”as it suggests modern concerns for spatial and service
organization which, in most instances,did not exist before the planning revolution called the Cit
Beautiful Movement that began in the1890s
(分句)In discussingthe qrowth of cities in the United States in the nineteenth centuryone cannot really use the term "urban planning,”as it suggests modern concerns for spatial and service organization which(从句)in most instancesdid not exist before the planning revolution called the City Beautiful Movement that began in the1890s
one cannot really use the term urban planning
①one cannot really use the term urban planning
②as it suggests modern concerns for spatial and service organization
③which, in most instancesdid not exist before the planning revolution called the City Beautiful Movement that began in the1890s
④In discussing the growth of cities in the United States in the nineteenth century
因为题目的要求是:Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information
到此,其实正确答案已经顺利浮出水面,就是B选项:For the most partthere was no "urban planning," as that term is understood todaybefore the beginning of the City Beautiful
Movement in the1890s
更多培训课程: 镇江新托福强化班 更多学校信息: 镇江朗阁教育机构 咨询电话:400-0929-859
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