发布时间:2022-09-05 09:57:09来源:励普教育综合
519 取“我要9”谐音,每年5月19日,新航道汇聚全国雅思,带给考生们一场学术盛宴,并且伴有系列回馈考生活动。
(1) 纯正英式发音规则讲解,帮助学员适应英式发音;(2) 独特配音模仿发音方法,寓学于乐; (3) 纠正语音语调,为雅思口语正式课程打好基础。
(1) 从雅思评分标准出发,对雅思评分细则的流利度、词汇、语法和发音等四个方面一一讲解,让学员做到有备而来;(2) 列举出简单问答的七分攻略一一讲解雅思各种问答方法及解决方案;(3) 按照各类口语话题卡讲解分析口语话题卡回答范文,讲解技巧。
Some people say that communication by using computers and phones will have negative effects on young people’s writing and reading skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
With computers and phones utilised much frequently for communication, many people worry that youngsters’ basic literacy skills will be adversely affected. Personally, I have the same concern.
Ø utilise vt. 使用
Ø literacy skill n. 读写能力
Ø adversely adv. 不利地
Body 1
Admittedly, there are an array of applications and websites conducive to bettering users’ basic reading and writing skills, ranging from online dictionaries to courses, both of which offer easier access to learning relevant collocations and distinguishing minute differences between semantics of synonyms. However, the downsides of frequent usage of digital devices are much more notable. To start with, such practice may incur poor reading proficiency. Though those technologies have provided them with convenient approaches to discussing with other readers, such a reading mode actually will make youngsters easily impacted by others’ ideas and, in the long term, render them hindered in pondering independently. Meanwhile, it is the siren calls of other recreational apps and websites that lure netizens who lack self-discipline and thus hamper the cultivation of their reading efficiency.
本次范文,两段分写对于读、写能力的影响。因此,本段开头,让步的占比相对较少。<让步> 确实也有有助于读写的app,但相对使用较少;<立论1> 读:1. 便于和其他读者时时讨论,但也影响了安静地自己思考的能力;2. 对于缺乏自律性的人来说,更容易被其他app或网站所吸引,影响阅读效率的培养
Ø an array of adj. 一系列的
Ø conducive to adj. 对…有益(to是介词)
Ø collocation n.[C] 搭配
Ø semantics n.[U] 词的含义,语义
Ø synonym n.[C] 近义词
Ø incur vt. 导致(常做贬义)
Ø proficiency n. 擅长
Ø render vt. 使(常做贬义)
Ø hinder vt. 阻碍
Ø ponder vt. 思考
Ø siren call n.[C] 诱惑
Ø hamper vt. 阻碍
Body 2
Another conspicuous side effect is that such practice will exert an impact on youngsters’ writing skills. This is mainly because the majority of software and other online devices, when users are typing, can not only automatically finish the remaining spelling of a word and give possible collocations but also correct their misspelling and syntactic mistakes. Some apps are even equipped with the function of identifying users’ pronunciation and converting the oral version into written one. With excessive reliance on those technologies, youngsters are largely likely to struggle to write essays or complete other paperwork without the assistance of such applications, as they gradually forget the correct use of words and grammar. Besides, as young people nowadays are accustomed to using informal abbreviations when sending message, they may also experience hardships in writing in a formal way.
<立论2> 写:软件会有自动拼写提示和语法纠正,甚至有语音识别,久而久之,年轻人一旦脱离这种软件,就容易犯错
Ø conspicuous adj. 明显的
Ø exert vt. 施加
Ø automatically adv. 自动地
Ø syntactic adj. 句法的
Ø be accustomed to adj. 习惯于
Ø abbreviation n.[C] 缩写
In a nutshell, young people’s literacy skills can be negatively influenced by modern communication modes.
更多培训课程: 广州越秀雅思7分口语突破班 更多学校信息: 广州越秀区东鸣轩新航道雅思英语培训 咨询电话:
雅思 托福 GRE IB SAT GMAT A-Level ACT 多邻国英语测试 OSSD 英语四六级 出国英语 词汇 AEAS 英语口语 商务英语 考研英语 青少英语 成人英语 个人提升英语 高中英语 剑桥英语 AP课程 一级建造师 二级建造师 消防工程师 消防设施操作员 BIM 造价工程师 环评师 监理工程师 咨询工程师 安全工程师 建筑九大员 注册电气工程师 一级注册建筑师 公路水运检测 通信工程 装配式工程师 二级注册建筑师 智慧消防工程师 智慧建造工程师 全过程工程咨询师 EPC工程总承包 碳排放管理师 初级会计师 中级会计师 注册会计师(cpa) CFA ACCA CMA 基金从业 证券从业 会计证 初中级经济师 薪税师 会计实操 企业合规师 FRM 会计就业 教师资格 人力资源管理 导游考试 心理咨询师 健康管理师 家庭教育指导师 普通话 公共营养师 物流师 网络主播 专利代理师 教师招聘 少儿编程 书法培训 绘画美术 音乐 舞蹈 棋类 国画 乐器 机器人编程 小孩子注意力训练 儿童专注力 儿童情绪管理 少儿小主播 信奥赛C++ 嵌入式培训 软件测试 Web前端 linux云计算 大数据 C/C++开发 电子商务 Java开发 影视后期 剪辑包装 游戏设计 php 商业插画 产品经理 Python photoshop UXD全链路 UI设计 室内设计 电商视觉设计 IT认证 PMP项目管理