发布时间:2022-07-21 08:28:05来源:励普教育综合
班型 | 阅读课程 | 写作课程 | 口语课程 | 听力课程 |
适合人群 | 雅思阅读单项 目标分数为6分的学员 |
雅思写作单项 目标分数为6分的学员 |
雅思口语单项 目标6分的学员 |
雅思听力单项 目标分数为6分的学员 |
总课时 | 25 课时 | 33 课时 | 29 课时 | 36 课时 |
课程特点 | 分类讲解; 阅读题型解题技巧; 真题讲练结合。 |
写作破题方法讲解; 合理布局文章结构; 把握写作要点; 积累出彩写作句型; 活跃写作思维。 |
口语应试技巧; 搭配模拟练习; 真题思路讲解; 积累真题经验。 |
解析听力题干要求; 分析范例及关键词; 表格题进行预判; 掌握听力技巧; 真题讲练结合。 |
学习目标 | 阅读单科取得 不低于6分的成绩。 |
写作单科取得 不低于6分的成绩。 |
口语单科能够取得 理想成绩。 |
听力单科取得 6分+分数。 |
有效期 | 自购买之日起 90 天内 |
自购买之日起 90 天内 |
自购买之日起 90 天内 |
自购买之日起 90 天内 |
价格 | ¥ 489.00 | ¥ 489.00 | ¥ 489.00 | ¥ 489.00 |
Begin, start, begin with, spring, start up, set off on, break out, strike up, originate from,;
Initiate, launch, originate, sprout; unfold; unleash,outset, onset, Rudimentary, elementary,
create, produce, bring about, yield, give birth to, bear, bring into being, generate, beget,germinate; Invent, innovate, renovate, plan, design, imagine, conceive, devise, formulate, imagine, envision,
Grow, develop, breed, bring up, nurture, cultivate, hone, raise, foster, (主动)
Develop, advance, progress, move forward, go forward, proceed(自我成长)
Burgeon, flourish, thrive, bloom, blossom, boom, prosper;
stop,finish, be over, cease, discontinue, wind up, bring to an end(close, halt), end,come to an end, end up, terminate,quench,quell,run out, expire, conclude
Surcease, cessation,
impasse, deadlock, logjam, stalemate,
Ultimate, final, eventual,
Abeyance, suspend, interruption, brake, halt, pause,
Cancel, annul, call off, do away with,
Abolish, desuetude, disuse, abandon, repeal, revoke, invalidate, rescind, nullify
Obsolete, out of date, outmoded, out of fashion, old-fashioned,
Enrich, increase, add to, abound, fill, fill up, replenish, stock up, add, put in, raise,
Accrue, mount up, augment, accumulate, rise
Abundant, plentiful, more than enough, profuse, copious, rich, wealthy, generous, numerous, in great numbers;
Effective, efficient, effectual, successful, useful, helpful, functional, applicable, operative, working, active, functioning, in operation, in use,
Available, serviceable,
Impact, influence,
Lower, reduce, decrease, drop off, abate, decline, dwarf, dwindle, rarefy, curtail, shorten, abridge, truncate, dock, decline, slump, eclipse, subside, shrink, ebb,
Diminish, lessen, debase, dilute, moderate, die down, grow less intense, cut down, ebb, cut back,
Hinder, hamper, check, stunt, impede, block, obstruct, retard, interrupt, hold back, prevent from, forestall, keep from, deter from, discountenance, lumber, thwart, stem, stymie, frustrate, stump, stem,
Entangle, enmesh, ensnare, entrap,
still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially. Obviously, clearly.
like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally.
by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast.
for example, for instance, such as, take …for example. Except (for), to illustrate.
later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while. first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important.
presumably, probably, perhaps.
in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms.
What is more, in addition, and, besides, also, furthermore, too, moreover, furthermore, as well as, additionally, again.
although, after all, in spite of…, despite, even if, even though, though, admittedly, whatever may happen.
however, rather than, instead of, but, yet, on the other hand, unfortunately. whereas
Return, hand out, restore, reciprocate, remunerate, revert,
Compensate, reimburse, indemnify, expiate, atonement,
Salary, remuneration, Emolument, honorarium
Require, call for, need, demand, necessitate,
Necessary, required, requisite, essential,
Requisite, prerequisite, requirement, precondition,
刺激, 激发,鼓励
Stimulate, activate, spur, incite, agitate, inspire, arouse, excite, provoke, actuate, incite, foment, stir up, trigger, Kindle, enkindle, ignite
encourage, motivate, invigorate, prompt, instigate,
Impetuous, impulsive;
Wish, want, desire, long, yearn, aspire, crave, hanker, covet:
Desirous, eager, avid, greedy, acquisitive, much desired, coveted, ambitious, enterprising;
Longing, aspiration, yearning, ambition, avarice, desire for, appetite, desire
Sense, feel, savor, be conscious of, be aware of, regain consciousness, perceive, Cognize, regard,
Detect, identify, notice, recognize, observe,
Heed, pay/give heed to, take heed/notice of, notice, pay/give attention to
clarify, elucidate, shed light on, illuminate, make clear
explicit, overt, precise, unambiguous, plain, clear, unequivocal,
clarity, clearness, lucidity, transparency, simplicity, precision.
Work together, cooperate, come together, and collaborate, join forces, team up,
Merge, unite, connect, bond, bring together, combine, associate, amalgamate, swallow up, become one, come together, Affiliate, annex, coalesce, incorporate, integrate, put together, join together.
Complete, total, entire, full, whole, thorough, comprehensive, all-round, versatile, plenary
Generally, entirely, fully, wholly, thoroughly, exhaustively, usually, largely, mainly, mostly, for the most part, on the whole, in genera
By means of, by way of, by virtue of , method, manner, means, device, instrument, facility, implement, apparatus, appliance, mechanism, gadget, utensil, tools,
contrivance, maneuver, tactic, mean, expedient, stratagem, tact, ploy,
英语有两句俗话:一是You know a word by the company it keeps.(要知义怎样,关键看词伙),二是Words do not have meaning, but people have meaning for them.(词本无义,义随人生)。这说明词典对词的定义和解释是死的,而实际运用中的语言是活的。从原文角度来说,这种活用是词义和用法的引申,翻译的时候要准确理解这种引申,译者就需要进行推理。
例如:While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.
It must be pointed out that...必须指出……
It must be admitted that...必须承认……
It is imagined that...人们认为……
It can not be denied that...不可否认……
It will be seen from this that...由此可知……原文中有三个被动语态is imagined, be compared和be required,译成汉语都变成了主动表达:认为、相比和掌握。
例如:New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever restore (归还;恢复,复兴;恢复健康,复原)that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in the past time.
熟悉英语的人都知道,英语表达相同的意思时往往变换表达方式。第一次说"我认为"可以用"I think",第二次再用"I think"显然就很乏味,应该换成"I believe"或"I imagine"之类的表达。相比之下,汉语对变换表达方式的要求没有英语那么高,很多英语中的变化表达译成重复表达就行了。请看下面的例子:
The monkey's most extraordinary accomplishment was learning to operate a tractor. By the age of nine, the monkey had learned to solo on the vehicle.
disintegration 土崩瓦解
ardent (热心的;热情的)loyalty 赤胆忠心
total exhaustion 筋疲力尽
far-sightedness 远见卓识
careful consideration 深思熟虑
perfect harmony (和声;和睦)水乳交融
更多培训课程: 开封新航道雅思6分班培训课程 更多学校信息: 开封新航道雅思英语培训 咨询电话:400-0929-859
雅思 托福 GRE IB SAT GMAT A-Level ACT 多邻国英语测试 OSSD 英语四六级 词汇 AEAS 英语口语 商务英语 考研英语 青少英语 成人英语 个人提升英语 高中英语 剑桥英语 AP课程 一级建造师 二级建造师 消防工程师 消防设施操作员 BIM 造价工程师 环评师 监理工程师 咨询工程师 安全工程师 建筑九大员 注册电气工程师 一级注册建筑师 公路水运检测 通信工程 装配式工程师 二级注册建筑师 智慧消防工程师 智慧建造工程师 全过程工程咨询师 EPC工程总承包 碳排放管理师 初级会计师 中级会计师 注册会计师(cpa) CFA ACCA CMA 基金从业 证券从业 会计证 初中级经济师 薪税师 会计实操 企业合规师 FRM 会计就业 教师资格 人力资源管理 导游考试 心理咨询师 健康管理师 家庭教育指导师 普通话 公共营养师 物流师 网络主播 专利代理师 教师招聘 少儿编程 书法培训 绘画美术 音乐 舞蹈 棋类 国画 乐器 机器人编程 小孩子注意力训练 儿童专注力 儿童情绪管理 少儿小主播 信奥赛C++ 嵌入式培训 软件测试 Web前端 linux云计算 大数据 C/C++开发 电子商务 Java开发 影视后期 剪辑包装 游戏设计 php 商业插画 产品经理 Python photoshop UXD全链路 UI设计 室内设计 电商视觉设计 IT认证 PMP项目管理