发布时间:2022-05-09 17:50:58来源:励普教育综合
雅思口语词汇整理之性格篇 1
adherent to routines恪守生活常规
lack of social skills缺乏社交能力
intelligent 聪颖的
superiority complex优越感
eidetic memory异常清晰的记忆
gentle 温和;
frank 坦率;
diligent 勤奋;
friendly 友善;
enthusiastic/warmhearted 热心
;brave 勇敢;
smart 聪明;
humorous 幽默;
timid 腼腆;
lazy 懒惰;
childish 幼稚;
selfish 自私;
cruel 冷酷;
greedy 贪婪;
sentimental 多愁善感
Happiness means different things to different people
It can be described as a feeling of pleasure or enjoyment
People enjoy spending time with family and friends
Hobbies, sports and games can be a source of fun and enjoyment
Some people see money as a source of happiness
Other people define happiness as something deeper
In order to be truly happy it is necessary to live a good life
We need to feel that we are doing something useful with our lives
Some people get a sense of achievement from their work
Others find happiness in bringing up their children
Religion or a sense of purpose can also be a source of happiness
People define success in different ways
Some people get a sense of achievement from raising a family
For others, success is defined by wealth or status
We often think of rich and famous people as being successful in life
Millionaires like Bill Gates are considered to be successful
They have risen to the top in their chosen professions
For some, being successful means achieving personal or professional goals
They see success as the result of hard work
Success in any field requires long-term planning and effort
Nature or Nurture
Some people believe that our personalities are determined mainly by genetics
We inherit our abilities and talents from our parents
Others think that our education and upbringing are more important
We develop according to the influences around us
Our personalities and achievements depend more on nurture than nature
Many people argue that we control our own destinies
We can shape our own personalities
By working hard we can achieve and goal that we put our minds to
Many successful people are “self-made”
We are not limited by our genetic characteristic or upbringing
1.Happiness is considered very important in life.
Why is it difficult to define?
What factors are important in achieving happiness?
2.In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits.
What is your view of the relationship between equality and personal success?
3.Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life.
Which do you consider to be the major influence?
雅思 托福 GRE 托业 SAT GMAT A-Level ACT 多邻国英语测试 OSSD 英语四六级 词汇 职称英语 英语口语 商务英语 考研英语 青少英语 成人英语 个人提升英语 高中英语 剑桥英语 AP课程 一级建造师 二级建造师 消防工程师 消防设施操作员 BIM 造价工程师 环评师 监理工程师 咨询工程师 安全工程师 建筑八大员 注册电气工程师 一级注册建筑师 公路水运检测 通信工程 装配式工程师 二级注册建筑师 智慧消防工程师 智慧建造工程师 全过程工程咨询师 EPC工程总承包 碳排放管理师 初级会计师 中级会计师 注册会计师(cpa) CFA ACCA CMA 基金从业 证券从业 会计证 初中级经济师 薪税师 会计实操 企业合规师 FRM 会计就业 教师资格 人力资源管理 导游考试 心理咨询师 健康管理师 家庭教育指导师 普通话 公共营养师 物流师 网络主播 专利代理师 教师招聘 少儿编程 书法培训 绘画美术 音乐 舞蹈 棋类 国画 乐器 机器人编程 小孩子注意力训练 儿童专注力 儿童情绪管理 少儿小主播 信奥赛C++ 嵌入式培训 软件测试 Web前端 linux云计算 大数据 C/C++开发 电子商务 Java开发 影视后期 剪辑包装 游戏设计 php 商业插画 产品经理 Python photoshop UXD全链路 UI设计 室内设计 电商视觉设计 IT认证 PMP项目管理