发布时间:2022-03-25 08:50:41来源:励普教育综合
主动态:一般式"to do";完成式"to have done";进行式"to be doing";完成进行式“to have been doing”
被动态:一般式"to be done";完成式“ to have been done"
He seems to know her address.(:=It seems that he knows her address.)
I hope to see you again.(=I hope that I’11 see you again.)
a 常用在"appear,happen,pretend,seem,hope,promise"之后。
She pretended to be listening attentively.
Tom appeared to be living in this area.
I hope to be earning my living in a year’s time.(I hope 1 will/would be earning my living)
I promised to be waiting at the door when he came out.
b 常用在"believe,consider,suppose,think,know,report,say,understand"等动词的被动式之后。
He is thought/known/believed/said/supposed to be living in this area = People think/know/ believe/ say/suppose that she is living abroad.[据认为(据知,据信,据说,据猜测)她住在国外。]
[注]“be supposed to”通常含有“应该”意思,表示一定的责任和义务。
You are supposed to know how to use a computer=You should know how to use a computer.
You are supposed to have been studying=You should have been studying.
Students are not supposed to cook in their dormitory=Students shouldn’t cook in their dormitory.
I am sorry to have given you so much trouble.(=I am sorry that I have given you so much trouble.)
We’re leaving at five o’clock in the morning,and hope to have done most of the journey by lunchtime.
He appears to have been waiting for a long time.
He is believed to have been waiting for a message.
He seems to have eaten the apples.(苹果已被吃光。)
He seems to have been eating the apples.(苹果尚未完全吃光。)
③不定式的完成体还可以表达本该发生却未发生的事情常带这种不定式的谓语动词有:“pretend,intend, appear,seem,should like,expect"等。
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