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模范的英文怎么说 模范的英文

2023-07-07 11:00:06来源:励普网



Give a good example; give a good illustration;set a good example
做模范;树立榜样She is the model teacher in the school.
她是这所学校的模范教师。Our projects include schools, military installations, prototype and demonstration housing, and mixed-use communities.
我们的工程包括学校,军事设施,模范实物住宅,多用途社区。 This student is a model of diligence.
这学生是勤勉的模范。 That engineer is a model of industry.
那个工程师是勤奋的模范They are viewed as models.
他们被看作模范。 His mother is a model of industry.
他母亲是勤劳的模范。He is a model League member.
他是一个模范团员You have invariably been models of courage and fidelity.
你们始终是勇敢与忠诚的模范。He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads.

n. 模型;模式;典型;模范;模特儿;式样
v. 模拟;模仿;做模特儿;做模型;塑造
adj. 模范的;典型的

They are viewed as models.
他们被看作模范。 At last,the author was setting forth the models of the crisis intervention.Including generic model or individual model,examination or valuation model,setting question model or comprehensive model,seven-stage model,compound group model.
对此,人们从不同角度进行了研究,提出了一般模式与个别模式,检查与评估模式,解决问题与综合模式,七阶段模式以及复合团队模式等多种危机干预模式。 To use or follow as a model.
仿效,效法当作一个模范来使用或追随 She is the model teacher in the school.
她是这所学校的模范教师。This student is a model of diligence.

相关内容: 模范的英文怎么说 励普网


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