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决赛的英文怎么说 决赛的英文

2023-08-15 14:50:13来源:励普网



finals (of a competition)

The tennis finals
网球决赛The outstanding finale killed the audience.
引人注目的决赛征服了观众。The player made it into the table-tennis finals.
这位选手打入乒乓球决赛。A sports personality was invited to kick off at die final.
一位体育界的著名人士被邀请为决赛开球。The World Cup Final was beamed live from Britain to Japan.
世界杯决赛从英国向日本作了实况转播.The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries
世界杯决赛现在正向五十多个国家现场转播。Champions of each league meet annually in the World Series.
每一协会冠军每年在世界棒球锦标赛上决赛They were lucky to get through to the final / semifinal of the men"s singles at Wimbledon.
他们很幸运进入了温布尔登男子单打决赛;半决赛。The finals are going to begin soon and the players are intensifying their training.
决赛马上就要开始了,队员们正在加紧练习。Four competitors will be jumping off later this evening

adj. 最终的,最后的;确定的,决定性的,不可变更的
n. 决赛;大学的毕业考试

This is the final paper.
这是最后一版的报纸。The book can finally be published after revision and finalization.
经过删定,这本书终于可以出版了。He finally surfaced at midday.
他终于在中午时醒过来了。Finally she drifted into sleep.
最后她不知不觉地睡着了。The police finally cornered the thief.

n. 比赛;竞争;竞争对手;竞争产品

The competition is relentless.
竞争是无情的。The competition of this kind of not complete, imparity is competition of a kind of forestall.
这种不完全、不平等的竞争就是一种垄断竞争。The competition is very strong this time.
这次的对手非常强。to withdraw from a competition; to scratch
退出比赛 The competition for the first prize was keen.

相关内容: 决赛的英文怎么说 励普网


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