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制造商的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-08-14 11:00:05来源:励普网


manufacturing company

The maker guarantees this hair dye to stay on three weeks.
制造商保证染发剂使用后的有效期间为三星期。If goods are not well made you should complain to the manufacturer.
如果货物质量不好,则理应向制造商提出控诉。 China" s car-buying craze began when Chinese manufacturers cut prices in 2002 in order to establish a market share.
2002年,当中国的汽车制造商为争夺市场份额而大降价的时候,中国的购车狂潮开始了。The lubricant specialist Castrol is the new technical sponsor of the Williams Renault Formula One team.
润滑油专业制造商嘉实多将是威廉姆斯·雷诺特一级方程式车队的新技术赞助商。American inventor and manufacturer who developed vulcanized rubber(1839.
古德伊尔,查尔斯1800-1860美国发明家和制造商,1839年发明了硬化橡皮That combined with other problems to see overall profits at the barbie maker Mattel slump by 73%
这个情况与其他的问题一起导致了芭比娃娃的制造商--美泰玩具有限公司的总利润下跌了73%。Plug-compatible manufacturer
即插兼容制造商LG is the third largest handset maker.
LG是第三大手机制造商。a manufacturer"s spec sheet.
制造商的设计图纸Association of Infant Formula Manufacturers

n. 制造业
adj. 制造(业)的
v. manufacture的现在分词

Association of Infant Formula Manufacturers
婴儿配方奶制造商协会 This firm manufactures cars.
这家公司生产汽车。This factory manufactures cement.
这家工厂生产水泥。jewel bearing manufacturing equipment
宝石轴承生产设备 Guarantee/warrantee of the manufacturer for the equipment

n. 公司;商号;商行;伴侣;同伴,朋友;陪伴
v. 陪同,陪伴;交往,结交

This is a merged company.
这是一个合伙公司。transferee company
受让人公司 Company chop is required if proposer is a company.
如投保人是公司,请加公司盖印。This company is about to incorporate with its parent company.
这公司将要与其母公司合并。A company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company

相关内容: 制造商的英文怎么说 励普网


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