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控股的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-07-18 09:20:55来源:励普网



Where a state controlling shareholder violates the present Notice
国有控股股东违反本《通知》规定的Entrusting the controlling shareholder or other associated party to invest
委托控股股东及其他关联方进行投资活动Jointly establish a supervision and coordination mechanism for regulating the acts of state controlling shareholders
共同建立规范国有控股股东行为的监管协作机制There shall be no subordination relationship between a listed company or its internal offices
控股股东及其职能部门与上市公司及其职能部门之间没有上下级关系。Repaying debts on behalf of the controlling shareholder or other associated party; Other means ascertained by CSRC.
代控股股东及其他关联方偿还债务;中国证监会认定的其他方式。Bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest.
鲍勃一步一步劝说弗里茨卖掉了他的控股权益。Thus the optimization, restructuring and expansion of state-owned assets will be realized to a larger extent

adj. 专有的,专利的,专卖的;私人拥有的,以所有者自居的
n. 所有权;所有物;所有人

A proprietary drug.
一种专卖药 Proprietary technology with a competitive edge in substantial growth markets
拥有专有技术,并在快速增长的市场中具有强大的竞争力Seller shall have no obligation to provide confidential or proprietary information.
卖方没有义务提供保密或专有资料This is when the legal concept of proprietary right comes into form.
这时,法律意义的产权概念就产生了。We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology.

相关内容: 控股的英文怎么说 励普网


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