2023-12-21 15:09:40来源:励普网
He"s from foreign parts.
他是外地人。Are you a local resident or provincial?
你是本地人还是外地人? When an outsider comes to Taizhou, he says Taizhou people can turn everything into money.
走进台州的外地人说.台州人把什么东西都可以变成钱,Oh, you must be a foreigner. Where are you from?
哦,你一定是外地人,你从哪里来?I called out to them, and they were quite surprised to see a foreigner standing before them.
我高声向他们呼救。他们看到一个外地人站在面前时都傻眼了。 Beijing has nearly 4 million outsiders, they and Beijing natives live together and construct the capital together.
北京有近400万外地人﹐他们和北京人一起生活﹐一起建设首都。I also hope that outsiders are even better able to blend into Beijing life, to better build Beijing and our country.
n. 外国人;外地人
In the UK, there are the Foreign Office and Foreign Secretary.
在英国,有外交部和外交大臣。custom of foreign trade.
对外贸易惯例The guidebook is for the accommodation of foreign tuorists.
n. 外国人,外地人
n. 陌生人;外地人,初道者;局外人
adj. strange的比较级
I was lightly punched by a stranger.
我被一个陌生人轻轻地打了。Poverty is stranger to industry
勤劳之人不受穷Truth is stranger than fiction
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