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励志英语演讲小短文欣赏 励志英语演讲

2023-03-14 09:29:38来源:励普网

关于励志英语演讲小短文欣赏 励志英语演讲的知识大家了解吗?以下就是小编整理的关于励志英语演讲小短文欣赏 励志英语演讲的介绍,希望可以给到大家一些参考,一起来了解下吧!




  热爱你自己Love Yourself

  To be really happy in life, you must appreciate yourself for who you are. If you are able to love yourself, you will be more confident and be more aware of your own abilities. You will be more positive and be better prepared to accept the challenges in life. xiaogushi8.com Recall your life achievements and write them down. What successes did you have at school? I am confident that you can create a very long list.


  Read through your list, and recall how good you felt when you accomplished each of these. Remember how hard you worked to achieve the results. Congratulate yourself for each and every one of those achievements.


  Choose a day in the week to record what you have done in the past seven days. It doesn’t matter if it is a Friday or a Saturday, but make it a regular event. Write down everything that you have accomplished that week. They don’t have to be major achievements. For example, cleaning the oven is definitely an achievement that you should write down.


  The things you have achieved show the talents you have. You are an excellent person who has achieved a lot in your life. In this way you will believe that you will continue to accomplish more and more.



  如何快乐生活How to Live a Happy Life

  Very few people believe that they are truly happy, but have you ever tried to find out how to live a happy life? xiaogushi8.com Here are five ideas for how to make your life happier.


  Look for the positive side of every situation. If you want to know how to live a happy life, try to look for what’s right, instead of what’s wrong.


  At the end of each day, take a moment to think about all the good things about that day. Remember anyone who smiled at you and anything that made you laugh.


  Spend time with the people you love. How often do you put off visiting someone because they are too far away, or because you have too much to do at home? Quality time with your loved ones is important for a happy life.


  Keep away from people who bring you down. It will definitely drag you down if you spend all your time with people who always complain. Surrounding yourself with positive and cheerful people will make your life happier.


  Be grateful for the little things. If a stranger holds the door open for you, smile and say "Thank You". If a friend makes you a cup of coffee, show your appreciation by not forgetting to return the favor.



  改变始于选择Change Begins with Choice

  Any day we wish, we can order ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish, we can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledge. xiaogushi8.com Any day we wish, we can start a new activity. Any day we wish, we can start the process of change.


  We can do it immediately, next week, next month or next year. If the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are.


  We created our circumstances1 through our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices from today.


  We cannot allow our errors in judgment to lead us down the wrong path. We must always think carefully about ourselves and our future and then we must make the very choices that will bring happiness and joy into our daily lives.


  If you don’t like how things are, change them! You have the ability to transform3 every area in your life —and it all begins with your very own power of choice.





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