2023-02-21 09:53:09来源:励普网
最近这段时间总有小伙伴问小编台词用英文怎么说 台词的英文说法是什么,小编为此在网上搜寻了一些有关于台词用英文怎么说 台词的英文说法的知识送给大家,希望能解答各位小伙伴的疑惑。
英 [ˈdaiəlɔɡ]
美 [ˈdaɪəˌlɔɡ, -ˌlɑɡ]
actor"s lines
台词编辑 dialogue editor
搭讪台词 Pick up line
台词分割 lines segmentation
关键台词 point line
高潮台词 punch line
Have you learnt your lines yet?
Actors have to memorize their lines.
The leading actor was sure of his lines.
The actress often forgot her lines but was very good at ad libbing.
An actor must be able to memorize his lines.
She went over her lines before the first night of the play.
It is not easy for an actor to learn off all the lines.
An actor who mouths his speech is a poor actor.
The timing is very important, not only for the movement but also for the lines of the dialogue.
The notion that “ with great power comes great responsibility ” is not just a line from a Hollywood blockbuster.
As a primary English speaker I was profoundly confused both by the story line and the dialogue probably because it was translated to English
You do not have a very good expense of dialogue and you don " t have a huge canvas that you can fill with detail.
The remake, gory as ever, features more refined dialogue. "I know I look like roadkill," Mia jokes when her brother arrives.
Like actors delivering lines from a movie script, the organizations “ deliver ” messages to each other based on the order specified in the e-business dialogue.
If you are unhappy with a dialogue line spoken, you can make a quick edit, re-run the producer, and there is your new final product.
我确实很享受和Claudie Blakely拍的戏,因为这部剧很棒,没有过度的描写,因此你津津有味地品味这些台词。
I really enjoyed doing the scene with Claudie Blakely, because rather brilliantly for a drama this one wasn"t over written and so you relished the dialogue.
Those are the moments that give the6) animators the most to go on, because at that point, it"s not a written piece of dialogue, it"s a character come to life.
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