2023-02-16 08:57:09来源:励普网
提起bluetooth是什么意思 bluetooth的双语例句大家在熟悉不过了,被越来越多的人所熟知,那你知道bluetooth是什么意思 bluetooth的双语例句吗?快来和小编一起去了解一下吧!
n. 蓝芽(一种无线传输技术);
Chapter 7 discusses the Bluetooth capabilities and how to use them with your computer.
You can use it up to 15 meters away from the Dior phone with its wireless Bluetooth technology.
And they concluded that viruses that spread from phone to phone by Bluetooth are not muchconcern, because users have to be in close physical proximity for their phones to “see” one another.
They wanted to see if people would share the video using Bluetooth wireless technology.
Or you can use a Bluetooth wireless keyboard.
What is Bluetooth Technology?
In this scenario, a bluetooth keyboard could be connected as well.
Bluetooth is an example of attempting this, so is USB.
And although they both have Bluetooth, it"s not the same version.
While most users will connect the phone to Bluetooth earpieces, those two target-shaped areason the top and bottom are earpiece and receiver.
This means the user can use a Bluetooth earpiece and not have to purchase one separately.
The only requirement is that the attacker must have authentication and authorization privileges over Bluetooth.
You"ll also learn how to modify your OBEX client application into a Bluetooth Music Store.
Lastly, the remote should connect with Bluetooth, not IR.
Shelly: You must be talking about Bluetooth.
1. Bluetooth is an open specification for short - range wireless data and voice communication.
2. Bluetooth server simulation code integrity, and can be used directly.
蓝牙仿真服务器源代码完整, 并可以直接使用.
3. Weightless and stylish, the V 3 Bluetooth headset an accessory of beautiful purpose.
失重和时尚, v3蓝牙耳机,是从犯美丽的目的.
4. Your device cannot send or receive Bluetooth beams automatically.
5. At last the design and realization of bluetooth data terminal are introduced.
6. This application basically allows more than one Bluetooth connection to the phone.
7. With the Bluetooth technology used, it remains connected with the instrument.
璃DA可从仪器上取下来, 并仍可通过蓝牙技术与仪器连接.
8. You are just required to have bluetooth, USB technologies and the Web.
你只需要蓝牙 、 USB技术和网络就可以了.
9. Fax Machine, Digital Camera, Bluetooth Product, Monitor, Computer Peripherals, Hand Pc Telecommunication.
采购产品传真机器, 数码相机, 蓝牙产品, 监视器, 计算机外设,二手个人计算机电传视讯.
10. Bluetooth is the presently newest technical standard for short range radio.
11. Bluetooth is a new short - range technology for wireless communication.
12. Design and produce Bluetooth products, portable power management systems with professional technology.
13. Add Bluetooth icon to dial screen while head set profile is connected.
14. For Bluetooth, the device that receives a communications request from an initiator.
接收者:蓝牙应用中, 接受发起者发出的通讯请求的设备.
15. Sales Production Bluetooth headset, Bluetooth adapter, and other communications products.
销售生产蓝牙耳机, 蓝牙适配器等通讯产品.
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