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金球奖提名《帮助》片尾曲 歌手介绍

2023-02-08 08:34:06来源:励普网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如金球奖提名《帮助》片尾曲 歌手介绍,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!


  歌手介绍:玛丽·简·布莱姬(Mary Jane Blige,常简写作Mary J. Blige,发音为/ˈblaɪʒ/),生于1971年1月11日,是美国歌手、唱片制作人、曲作者、女演员兼说唱歌手。

  Mary J Blige - The Living Proof


  It's gonna be a long, long journey

  It's gonna be an uphill climb

  Its gonna be a tough fight

  There's gonna be some lonely nights

  But I'm ready to carry on

  I'm so glad the worst is over

  Cause it almost took me down

  I can start living now

  I feel like I can do anything

  And finally I'm not afraid to breathe

  Anything you say to me

  And everything you do

  You can't deny the truth

  Cause I'm the living proof

  So many don't survive cause

  They just don't make it through

  But, look at me

  I'm the living proof

  Oh yes I am!

  Thinking back life's been painful

  Yes it was

  Took a while to learn how to smile

  So now I'm gonna talk to my people about the storm

  So glad the worst is over

  I can start flying now

  My best days are right in front of me

  Yet I'm almost there

  Cause now I'm FREE

  I know where I am going

  Cause I know where I've been

  I gotta feel strong and show it

  I will stay strong keep growing

  That's the way that I win

  Nothing about my life's been easy. NO-

  Nothings gonna keep me down

  Because I know a lot more today

  That I knew yesterday

  So I'm ready to carry on



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