2022-12-15 10:02:50来源:励普网
提起摆姿势的英文怎么说 摆姿势双语例句大家在熟悉不过了,被越来越多的人所熟知,那你知道摆姿势的英文怎么说 摆姿势双语例句吗?快来和小编一起去了解一下吧!
1. How did you get him to pose for this picture?
2. They fooled around for the camera.
3. For pictures of people behaving naturally, not posing for the camera, it is essential to shoot unnoticed.
4. Posing for the camera pleased him more than anything else. No doubt with the ulterior object of catching votes.
5. The painter postured his model.
6. Are you willing to pose for me?
你愿意摆姿势让我为你拍照 吗 ?
7. Most singers are good at posing in front of cameras.
8. He wanted his portrait painted but couldn"t spare time for the sitting.
9. Ivy: Hey, Tina. I want to pose in front of this sculpture.
艾薇: 嗨, 蒂娜. 我想在这座雕像前摆姿势.
10. A photographer positions a bride for her wedding picture.
11. Where should I pose?
我应该在哪里摆姿势 呢 ?
12. She posed for her portrait [ for the painter ].
她为画像而摆姿势 [ 摆姿势给画家画 ].
13. This was mostly for the pose practice.
14. Isabelle: [ while posing as the Venus de Milo ] I cannot stop you, I"ve got no arms.
伊莎贝尔: ( 像维纳斯·德·麦洛一样摆姿势 ) 我不能阻止你, 我没有手臂.
15. Turning their backs on the pollution, Chinese tourists posed for photos beside the picture map.
中国游客们转身离开了污染, 来到实景图边摆姿势拍照.
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