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boot是什么意思 boot的双语例句

发布时间:2022-10-11 16:56:46来源:励普网




  vt. 引导;踢;解雇;使穿靴

  n. 靴子;踢;汽车行李箱

  n. (Boot)人名;(英)布特;(德)博特


  1. As we drew near, I saw that the boot lid was up.


  2. They have to be thin, attractive and well-dressed to boot.


  3. I helped her stow her bags in the boot of the car.


  4. I can boot up from a floppy disk, but that"s all.


  5. He is making money and receiving free advertising to boot!


  6. The officer stamped his boot. "Don"t be insolent with me, mademoiselle."


  7. Our real bete noire is the car boot sale.


  8. He opened the boot to put my bags in.


  9. Go over to your PC and boot it up.


  10. Harris got a rope from the car boot.


  11. Your boot lace is untied.


  12. His girl gave him the boot.


  13. What he needs is a good boot up the backside!


  14. Stick the boot in, pal!

  朋友, 用靴子踢!

  15. Put the luggage in the boot.



  Judge John Bevan said despite money problems they spent all they had at car boot sales.

  They must fill out a measurement form that requires leg measurements for boot orders.

  But on my next ride, my boot-cut yoga pants got stuck in my spokes.

  The Tigers trailed 10-6 at the break to a Morgan Stoddart try and Stephen Jones" boot.

  Ronan O"Gara had a 100% record with the boot as he landed 16 points.

  Then, 12 weeks ago, he answered the call of duty when he left for boot camp.

  One of those wins, at Mansfield, was Williamson"s penultimate game before being given theboot.

  Here"s how to create a boot disk that does let you access the CD-ROM drive.

  Like Start8, Pokki also allows you to boot directly into the desktop, skipping the Start Screen.

  The two companies are located just down Manhattan"s Broad Street from one another, to boot.

  Boot and his team studied ten different papers that suggest cognitive benefits for action video gaming.

  Stylish brushed aluminum guards keep the hot pipes away from your right leg and boot.

  Parks and Contepomi exchanged penalties before the former missed his next effort with theboot.

  Join a mastermind group that focuses on your money like Financial Boot Camp.

  Suarez has been warned by his boot sponsor Adidas that he must behave better.


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