发布时间:2022-09-18 20:45:11来源:励普网
1. 缺席率 absence rate;
2. 缺席判决 {律} judgment by default;
3. 缺席审判 {律} trial by default;
4. 缺席投票 absentee ballot;
5. 缺席投票人 absentee voter;
6. 缺席选择 default option;
7. 缺席者 absentee;
8. 缺席测试 absence test;
9. 缺席选举人 absent voter; absentee;
10. 缺席规则 default rule;
11. 缺席值 default value;
12. 缺席仲裁 award sentenced by default
1、 be absent without excuse;
2、 a long absence;
3、 be absent from class;
4、 be absent on business;
5、 Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday?
6、 The team was crippled by his absence.
1、 我弄不明白他为什么缺席。
I can"t figure out why he is absent.
2、 今天有多少学生缺席?
How many students are absent today?
3、 他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。
He gave a lame excuse for being absent.
4、 许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。
Many students were absent, notably the monitor.
5、 我们必须为缺席编造一个藉口。
We must invent an excuse for our absence.
6、 他因为生病,所以才缺席。
His illness accounts for his absence.
7、 缺席会议的会员可以通过填缺席选票行使选举的权利。
Members who were absent at the assembly could request absentee ballots.
8、 缺席判决也不再被视为对缺席者的惩罚。
Default judgement was not regarded as the punishment to the defaulter.
9、 许多学生因感冒而缺席。
Many pupils are absent with colds.
1. There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his absence.
2. I suspect he isn"t altogether unhappy about my absence.
3. He was tried in absentia and sentenced to seven years in prison.
4. Absentee fathers will be forced to pay child maintenance.
5. A military court sentenced him to death in his absence.
6. He was disqualified from the council for non-attendance.
7. The deadline for absentee voting in was Saturday.
8. They were pointedly absent from the news conference.
9. He has already voted by absentee ballot.
10. Their absence spoke volumes.
11. She was absent for nine consecutive days.
12. Two foreign suspects will be tried in absentia.
13. He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.
14. Alice"s record of perfect attendance is very creditable to her.
15. He excused his absence by saying that he was ill.
更多培训课程: 郑州个人提升英语 更多学校信息: 励普教育在线培训 咨询电话:400-0929-859
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