全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
位置:励普教育 > 英语>个人提升英语> 关于打电话约朋友出去的英语对话  正文


发布时间:2022-09-13 15:33:35来源:励普网




  A: Hello, May I speak to Susan?

  B: Hello, This is Lisa, Susan"s roomate, she is not in the room right now, Can I take a message?

  A: Oh, Of course, This is Lily, I want to invite Susan for dinner tomorrow, please ask her to call me back.

  B: Wait a minute, she just came back. Hold on.

  C: Hello, this is Susan, who"s speaking?

  A: Hi, it is Lily, I want to invite you for dinner tomorrow to show you guys my travelling photoes. Is 8 o"clock working for you?

  C: Oh, great! yes, 8 is fine.

  A: Good. please also call Peter and Nick to come for me, I can not find their numbers.

  C: Okay, I will call them. See you tomorrow.

  C: Hello Peter. It"s Susan, Lily is invited us to have dinner tomorrow together. Do you have time?

  D: Yes, I have no plan tomorrow night.

  C: Oh, is Nick there? Lily invited you both.

  D: Nick! come here! Lily invited us to have dinner tomorrow.

  E: Oh, I am so sorry I need to go to practice football, the try out is the day after tomorrow for school team.

  D: Nick could not come. he has something else to do.

  C: Okay. I will tell Lily. Please come to my place at 7:30, Lily will book the table at 8.

  A: Hello, Susan,

  C: Hi, I called Peter and Nick. Nick already has plan but Peter will come to see me at my place at 7:30.

  A: Oh, okay.I already booked a table for 5 persons. Do you know the new restaurant near the bus station called Real Italy?

  C: Yes, I heard it made good pizza there.

  A: I will see you guys at the front gate at 8, do not be late!

  C: We will arrive on time, bye.


  Harvey: Now. I have a surprise. We’ve booked the Southern Tower restaurant to celebrate our partnership.

  哈维: 我要给你们一个惊喜.为了庆祝我们之间的合作伙伴关系,我们预定了南塔餐厅.

  Harvey: We’d like to invite you to dinner.

  哈维: 我们邀请二位共进晚餐.

  Lok: The Southern Tower? We tried to go there but it’s booked out for months.

  洛克: 您是说南塔餐厅吗?我们曾经想去那里吃饭,但是那家餐厅的位子已经被提前预定出好几个月了.

  Harvey: Ah yes… but Douglas has a lot of influence in Sydney! We’ve booked a table for 7 o’clock. Caroline and Douglas will be there too.

  哈维: 是这样啊,但道格拉斯在悉尼可是一个颇具影响力的人物呢.我们预定了今天晚上七点的一张桌子.卡罗琳和道格拉斯也将出席.

  Lian: How wonderful. We’d love to come.

  丽安: 这真是太好了.我们很高兴如约前往.

  Lok: Yes, thank you.

  洛克: 是啊,谢谢你们了.


  A: "Hey Mark. What are you doing?"

  B: "Just watching some TV."

  A: "Anything interesting on?"

  B: "Not really. Just watching the sports highlight on ESPN."

  A: "So I take it you"re pretty bored too."

  B: "Just killing time until I find something to do. What are you up to?"

  A: "It"s Saturday and we are sitting at home doing nothing. What"s wrong with us?"

  B: "You wanna shoot some hoops?"

  A: "I already tried to call up some of the guys, but they are all busy."

  B: "Where"s your girlfriend? I thought you were going out with her today."

  A: "She"s out shopping with her friends."

  B: "Let"s go to Starbucks and think of something to do then."

  A: "Aright. Do you have any cigarettes?"

  B: "I only have a couple left. Why don"t you pick some up on the way."

  A: "Ok. See you there in about 30 minutes."

  B: "Aright. See you there."


更多培训课程: 郑州个人提升英语 更多学校信息: 励普教育在线培训 咨询电话:


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