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永远的英文怎么读 永远的英文例句

发布时间:2022-09-12 19:21:50来源:励普网




  永远[yǒng yuǎn]


  always ; forever ; ever ; in perpetuity ; eternity

  网 络forever;always;for good;world without end



  We will embalm him forever.


  Her speeches have ever been a fount of inspiration to her audiences.



  The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.


  You can"t screen your children from the real life forever.


  The vassal swore that he would be loyal to the king forever.


  You"ll never see life if you stay at home forever.


  Love will never be forever but will be ever.


  The winner is always striving and the loser is always promising.


  May the lord keep you in his hand and never close his fist too tight on you.

  1. I have $100m hidden away where no one will ever find it. 我把1亿美元藏到了一个永远没人会找到的地方。

  2. "One thing you can never insure against is corruption among your staff."—"Agreed." “永远也防不胜防的就是员工内部的贪污腐败。”——“同意。”

  3. I can never, ever forgive him. I despise him. 我永远不会原谅他。我鄙视他。

  4. Lenin lives on in the minds and hearts of millions of people. 列宁永远活在亿万人民的心中。

  5. He is always eager for new experiences and ever-willing to experiment. 他总是渴望拥有新的经历,而且永远愿意尝试。

  6. I"m not ever going to forget what you"ve done for the nippers. 我永远忘不了你为这些小孩子所做的一切。

  7. He was not a paragon. He would never be perfect. 他不是完人,永远不可能十全十美。

  8. A black coat always looks smart and will never date. 黑色外套看起来总是很潇洒,而且永远也不会落伍。

  9. No matter how often they turn up, their welcome never wears out. 不管他们多久露面一次,都永远那么受欢迎。

  10. You never can tell what life is going to bring you. 你永远不知道人生会给你带来些什么。

  11. I know I shall feel for ever in her debt. 我知道我将会永远感激她。

  12. Hybrids, unlike pure electric cars, never need to be plugged in. 与纯电动汽车不同,混合动力车永远不需要接电源。

  13. That was a mistake. We"ll never do it again. 那是个错误,我们永远不会再犯了。

  14. The editor"s decision is final and shall evermore remain so. 编辑的决定是最终性的,而且应该永远不会改变。

  15. The individual"s whole personality appears to be permanently warped. 这个人的整个人格似乎被永远地扭曲了。

  16. He was panic-stricken at the thought he might never play again. 一想到自己可能永远不能再参加比赛,他就无比恐慌。

  17. Military historians may never know what brought down the jet. 军事史学家们可能永远也不会知道是什么击落了这架喷气式飞机。

  18. She had reconciled herself to never seeing him again. 她说服了自己永远不再和他见面。

  19. Never believe anything a married man says about his wife. 永远不要相信一个已婚男人说的任何有关他妻子的话。

  20. I"m forever on a diet, since I put on weight easily. 我永远都在减肥,因为我很容易长胖。

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