发布时间:2022-07-15 20:11:45来源:励普网
那被歧视的英文是什么呢? 歧视是一个贬义词,歧视别人是一种不道德的行为,被歧视的人内心肯定也不好受。
be discriminated
1. But in many other aspects, female shouldn"t be discriminated.
但在许多其他方面, 女性不应该歧视.
2. One should not be discriminated against because of physical defects.
3. People should not be discriminated against.
4. Among the statutory successors in the same order, women shall not be discriminated against.
在同一顺序法定继承人中, 不得歧视妇女.
5. By using the software, the architectural elements of underground reservoir can be discriminated effectively.
6. A woman who do not like to marry will be discriminated as un normal or inferior.
7. Third, the internal pathological changes should be discriminated from the external clinical symptoms.
第三, 应当把内在的病理改变与外在疾病征象区别开来.
8. Should be a person that has second liver virus discriminated against?
9. These differences may be favored or discriminated against by NATURAL SELECTION.
10. If they practiced Han chauvinism and discriminated against the minority peoples, which would be very bad.
如果汉人搞大汉族主义,歧视少数民族, 那就很不好.
vt.& vi.歧视; 区别; 辨出;
1. The device can discriminate between the cancerous and the normal cells.
2. The Commission for Racial Equality teaches organisations not to discriminate.
3. The computer program was unable to discriminate between letters and numbers.
4. It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.
5. You must learn to discriminate between facts and opinions.
6. If you want to grasp English, you must carefully discriminate synonyms.
如果你想掌握好英语, 你必须仔细区分同义词.
7. The boy is too young to discriminate good books from bad ones.
8. How can he discriminate the real painting from the false one?
他怎么能把真画和假画分辨出来 呢 ?
9. He is the connoisseur who can discriminate between two equally fine wines.
10. A teacher must not discriminate between pupils.
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