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八月的英文单词缩写怎么说 八月的英文单词例句

发布时间:2022-07-13 19:48:38来源:励普网



  八月[bā yuè]

  八月的英文单词缩写: Aug


  August ; the eighth month of the lunar year ; the eighth moon ;

  网 络August;aug;Aug August;aug.august



  August is the eighth month in a year.


  August was almost tropical this year.



  In August the place is lousy with tourists.


  The firm publishes its accounts in August.


  It is always raining in the autumn.

  金价和银价均出现上涨。 图为八月,韩国一名工作人员正在称量金和银。

  There is a silver lining to the gold rally.


  August brings the sheaves of corn.


  August is the eighth month of the year.


  The coup date was the fifteenth night of the eighth month.

  1. a muggy August day 八月里闷热的一天

  2. Autumn starts in August, and goes on to October. 秋天从八月开始, 一直持续到十月.

  3. We'll take our holiday sometime in August, I think. 我想我们大概会在八月放假.

  4. The market showed an upward turn in August. 八月间市场情况有所好转.

  5. The big storms in August refilled the reservoirs. 八月的暴雨又使水库积满了水.

  6. August was almost tropical this year. 今年的八月十分炎热.

  7. The August weather is delicious. 时值八月,气候温和宜人.

  8. It was the first of August , a perfect day, with a burning sun and a cloudlesssky. 八月一日这天, 阳光普照,万里无云.

  9. The day was low - slung , steady rain, light fog, cool for August. 天很阴沉,霪雨, 薄雾, 还没出八月, 天太凉了一点儿.

  10. There will be a hike in prices in August. 八月物价将会上升.

  11. We have noted your letter of August 5 under the above caption. 我们注意到你方上述标题下的八月五日来信.

  12. August 5 was a gray and dreary Saturday. 八月五日是个灰暗而阴沉的星期六.

  13. In August the place is lousy with tourists. 八月里这地方游客多如牛毛.

  14. In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin. 八月时我们把家具搬到了都柏林.

  15. Meantime the August heat was almost unbearable. 这会儿,八月的暑热几乎使人受不了.

  16. Five medals of Honor were awarded on August. 在八月曾颁发了五枚荣誉勋章.

  17. " Robert Kincaid came to me on the sixteenth of August, a Monday, in 1965. “ 罗伯特.金凯于一九六五年八月十六日一个星期一来到这里.

  18. " There was somebody a long time ago who was thirsty on an Augustafternoon. “ 很久以前有一个人在一个八月的下午感到口渴.

  19. A meadowlark called from the roadside grass. Nothing else moved in thewhite sun of August. 路边草从中传来牧场百灵的叫声,除此之外,在八月白炽的阳光下没有任何动静.

  20. Would not the light be fading at twenty - one hours on an August evening? 难道八月里的夜晚,到了二十一点,天还没有黑?

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