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发布时间:2022-07-03 20:41:59来源:励普网







  荔枝草 Salvia plebeia ; Common Sage Herb ; Herba Salviae Plebeiae ; plebeia

  鲜荔枝 fresh litchi ; fresh litchello ; litchi ; Fresh lychees

  荔枝核 Lychee Seed ; semen litchi ; Litchi Seed ; Litchi chinensis Sonn

  荔枝山 Phnom Kulen ; Kulen Mountain ; Kulen ; Koulen Mount

  荔枝属 Litchi ; Sapindaceae Litchi ; Genus Litchi

  荔枝浓缩汁 Lychee Juice Concentrate

  荔枝罐头 Canned Lychee ; litchi canned

  荔枝膏 board lotion of litch


  Lychees are sometimes found on the the dessert menu of Chinese restaurants, but are becoming increasingly available at most supermarkets. Once stripped of their nobbly reddish brown shells, lychees look like large white grapes, each with a single large, glossy seed within its pale flesh. They have a sweet, flowery fragrance and flavour. Lychees are rich in vitamin C.


  Select heavy, uncracked fruits with the stems still attached; the redder the shells, the fresher the lychees.


  Unpeeled, the fruit can be stored for up to three weeks in the refrigerator.


  Serve whole lychees one at a time (they need to be peeled), or peel several and sprinkle with a little lime or lemon juice to heighten the flavour. They can also be cut up and combined with berries or other soft fruit. They can also be poached.

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相关内容: 荔枝 英语 怎么 说法 英语翻译 荔枝 果肉 产鲜时 半透明


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