发布时间:2022-07-01 16:45:09来源:励普网
歌手介绍:倪子冈在出道之前是知名的音乐制作人,为很多天王天后写歌,在业界小有名气; 现从台后走向台前,曾在很多音乐作品中rap男声的他,富有磁性好听的声音; 倪子冈的作品有点西化,所以听过他作品的朋友都会感觉得到那种强烈的时尚感和节奏感! 对于倪子冈(Nese)这个名字你也许陌生,但是他的多首畅销作品你一定熟悉、甚至是琅琅上口!2008年12月31日华娱卫视《就是爱台中》跨年演唱会。
The rain is knockin at my door
and I can't see the sun no more
I'ma hafta fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back
Yo picture this
U got a kid in a room
his hands sweatin and shakin while he's lacin his shoes
the excitement's buildin up for what's comin up soon
To get there and do what he was born to do
He's listenin to the beats
He's trying to get in the zone
He's gotta take control and make every moment his own
just a little bit tired
just a little bit scared
but he's so focused he won't show it when he's finally there
Cuz now he's out on the floor
And he's catchin the pass
slashin to the glass, movin so fast, right to the hole,
they don't know how to stop him
and he keeps on droppin
2's and 3's by the second
and the crowd is rockin
so they knock him
knock him down to the ground
He takes a deep breath before he gets up and looks around
Everything's in slow motion
The crowd is an ocean
Only one minute left
before he's crowned as the best
The rain is knockin at my door
and I can't see the sun no more
I'ma hafta fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back
A little girl in the stands
the kid's her older brother and she's his number one fan
He's always lookin out for her
and she looks up to him
and she wants nothin more than for her brother to win
But the truth
is that there's someone on the other team
Someone who stole her heart
Someone who holds her dreams
They kiss for the 1st time just the other evening
Her brother's 23 but her lover's number 16
The drama is set
the whole scene is intense
she doesn't know which one to cheer for and she's gettin upset
cuz they're at each other's necks, and what happens next
Her boyfriend steals the ball and checks the kid in the chest
16 on the break
23 on the chase
Brother goes in the air with brother up in his face
They come crashing to the dirt
Tears about to burst
When the game is over who she gonna run to first, yo
The rain is knockin at my door
and I can't see the sun no more
I'ma hafta fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back
Nothin's gonna stop me
Ey yo this game of life is one big struggle
We gotta hustle just to make it everyday
and to find ourselves a way
to fight the fears we facin
and grab those dreams we chasin
cuz there ain't no competition
when we rise to the occasion, c'mon
The rain is knockin at my door
and I can't see the sun no more
I'ma hafta fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back, get back, get back
更多培训课程: 郑州个人提升英语 更多学校信息: 励普教育在线培训 咨询电话:400-0929-859
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