发布时间:2022-06-29 15:29:58来源:励普网
救护车担架 ambulance stretcher
一辆救护车 an ambulance
货车救护车 lorry ambulance
1. He screamed for his wife to call an ambulance.
2. Mrs Hardie had been taken to the infirmary in an ambulance.
3. I was close by as Lester was stretchered into the ambulance.
4. We got an ambulance and rushed her to hospital.
5. During the strike, ambulances will be diverted to private hospitals.
6. Mary heard the penetrating bell of an ambulance.
7. Five ambulances are on standby at the port.
8. An ambulance inched its way through the crowd.
9. An ambulance drove past.
10. They helped her into the ambulance.
11. He was sent to hospital by ambulance.
12. The ambulance sped to the hospital.
13. The two ambulance attendants quickly put Plover on a stretcher and got him into the ambulance.
14. He was crying out in pain on the ground when the ambulance arrived.
15. We intend to have a paramedic on every ambulance within the next three years.
Police in Moscow are to carry out special checks on ambulances after reports that emergency vehicles have been fitted with plush interiors and are being rented out to VIP commuters hoping to dodge the city"s abysmal traffic jams.
Random checks will be performed on the vehicles after companies advertising rides in "ambulance-taxis" for upwards of 6,000 roubles (£120 or $194) per hour appeared on the internet.
The vehicles are said to use their sirens to scatter traffic and deliver harried businessman to meetings on time.
A law enforcement source told Izvestiya newspaper that one such vehicle had already been identified. "During one patrol, a medical car was stopped because it was breaking traffic rules," said the source.
"The driver appeared strange, and did not resemble an ambulance driver at all. The police officers opened the automobile to check it and saw that the interior was fitted out like a high-class limousine with comfortable seats for transporting VIP passengers." The source added that inside the ambulance were "not medical personnel but some people in civilian clothes who refused to identify themselves."
Moscow"s boulevards and ring-roads often stand still because of ill-parked cars and no restrictions on driving in the city centre. The foul-ups are compounded when police block off roads for official cortèges such as that of Vladimir Putin, who causes gridlock when travelling to and from the Kremlin in his Mercedes Pullman.
In October, Mr Putin"s spokesman said the president would spend more time working at his home, the Novo-Ogarevo estate to the west of the city, to avoid producing bottlenecks. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev"s office said he would be travelling more frequently by helicopter.
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