发布时间:2022-06-27 16:51:59来源:励普网
英 [ˈbʌmbəlˌbi:]
美 [ˈbʌmbəlˌbi]
a bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler will there until it dies, unless it is taken out.
The hornet will probably launch about the same number.
The bumblebee sizzed right under his straw hat.
Harlan hid from the hornets he heard humming in the hollow hornet tree.
你得提防虫子爬进来,还得提防大黄蜂。 大黄蜂这贼最恶,常常落在蜜蜂窝洞口。专干坏事。
The hornets are the worst -- they often lurk outside the hives to rob the bees.
type genus of the Vespidae: various hornets and yellow jackets.
Laws are like cobwebs, wcihh catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.
The hornets are the worst -- they often lurk outside the hives to rob the bees."
type genus of the Vespidae: various hornets and yellow jackets
Raytheon"s primary customer is U.S. Navy F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet aircraft.
Laws are like cobwebs, which catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.
any of various widely distributed social insects of the family Vespidae,which includes certain wasps,hornets,and yellow jackets
Any of various widely distributed social insects of the family Vespidae,which includes certain wasps,hornets,and yellow jackets.
A bumblebee draws nectar from an Arizona sunflower.
So, this learns to tell this only “ impossible ” volant bumblebee, can it still fly to rise?
They bought wax and honey up by the great. a bee that is parasitic in the nests of bumblebees.
A bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out.
In the lab, scientists tested how nerves in the mouthparts of honeybees and bumblebees respond to three widely used neonicotinoids.
“ The results mean that theexplanation for the bumblebees "colouration patterns is not as simple aspreviously thought,” he said.
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