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发布时间:2022-06-19 10:41:39来源:励普网




  What is a summary?

  Summary is a short passage giving the main points of an original article. What should we pay attention to w

  hen we write a summary? 主题 文体 记叙文 write a summary 人称 议论文 时态 说明文


  1、时态 2、人称 5要素 3、____________


  时态、人称、5要素 Who What


  When where

  Practice 1: Before my last birthday,my parents promised to celebrate my birthday withsad me. I don’t have many unhappy memories but one story took place on my last birthday. Before the birthday, I worked out a plan with my parents. We planned to have dinner together in McDonald’s, my favourite restaurant. Then we would go to the Xinghai Concert Hall for a concert given by a group of famous young singers. And the most exciting thing, of course, was the birthday presents. They promised to give me a new MP3 player. However, something unexpected happened on that day. I went home as early as I could. I waited and waited but my parents didn’t come back. But they finally forgot and I felt angry. I felt angry at first and then upset. How could they treat me this way? They always forgot me just because they were busy with their work. Yes, they were always busy. They broke their promise and got home late. After that, my grandmother had a talk with me to help me understand my parents’ situation and that made me feel much better.

  After talking with my grandma, I felt better.

  A possible version:

  According to the passage,

  the author felt disappointed because his parents forgot to celebrate his last birthday with him. But he came to understand them after talking to his grandmother. Tips: 时态、人称、要素

  Practice 2: A little boy is telling his Grandma how “everything” is going wrong. School, family problem, severe health problems, etc. Meanwhile, Grandma is baking a cake. She asks her grandson if he would like a cake, which, of course, he does. “Here, have some cooking oil.” “Terrible!” says the boy. “How about a couple raw eggs?” “Terrible! Grandma!” “Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?” “Grandma, those are all awful!” To which Grandma replies, “Yes, all those things seem bad by themselves, but when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!

  Grandma used the cake material to show him that…

  “The trials(考验) of life serve a meaningful purpose in making us stronger. Do not lose heart if life is not easy for you right now, but encourage yourself and know you will be much stronger mentally and physically because of the trials of life.”

  According to the passage, a little boy complained about problems in life. His grandmother used the cake material to teach him that the trials of life make people stronger.

  One beautiful spring day a red rose came out in a forest. The red rose looked at a cactus (仙人掌) and said, “ What an ugly plant full of thorns (刺)!” The pine tree said, “ Red rose, what kind of talk is this? Who can say what beauty is? You have thorns too.” The proud red rose looked angrily at the pine and said, “You don’t know what beauty is. You can’t compare me to a cactus.” Spring passed, and the weather became very warm. Life became difficult as no rain fell. The red rose was dying. One day the red rose saw birds suck water from the cactus. “Doesn’t it hurt when they bite into the cactus?” asked the red rose. “Yes, but the cactus does not like to see any birds suffer,” replied the pine. “The birds can bring water to you if you ask the cactus for help.” But the red rose felt too ashamed of its past words to ask.

  (记叙文)寓言 文体: ____________ 时态:________________ 人称:____________________ Who What How

  When where


  a beautiful rose

  laughed at the cactus for its appearance felt ashamed when she saw the cactus giving water to help the birds

  Once a beautiful proud rose laughed at the cactus for its appearance. However, when the weather became dry, the rose felt ashamed of itself as she saw the cactus providing birds with water.

  Score: 4-5


  1.不要照抄原文。(但是一些的专业术语可以使用) 2.不要写个人的观点。(In my opinion, I think… I agree…) 3.不要断章取义。(断章取义主要有2种情况:不明 白原文的意思,每个段落找几句话写;不是归纳 原文,而是到处找几句话合并起来抄,没有起到 归纳的作用) 4.阅读中文题目可以帮助理解全文的中心,可以帮 助抓稳概括的主旨。 5. 注意人称的变化,写概括时不可以用第1人称。(原 文用第1人称的特别要注意) 6. 学会在许多事例与事实中提取共性的观点。

  A summary must:

  include the main idea in your own words. 人称、时态、5要素 (记叙文) 把握主题、关键词

  用好关联词(but, because, so ), 表达清晰 方法+练习+反思



  How to write a summary

  1、the author tells us the importance of self-learning for children. not only should the teacher help the students to correct their mistakes, but also they should depend themselves to correct their own mistakes.

  2、this passage discusses the importance of self-learning for children. students should have the chance to correct their own mistakes, learn-by-doing and learn from each other, not just the teacher.

  3、the article gives the view that teachers should let students correct their mistakes by themselves. students are able to correct their own mistakes and teachers’ frequent correction will make children unable to judge their own work.

  4、some people think students’ mistakes should be corrected by themselves and it is wrong for the teachers to do it for them too often in school. it will make the children dependent on the teachers.

  the author discussed the benefit of extracurricular activities including being a way to improve students’ health, widen their social circle and introduce them to new ideas and people.

  reviews the most important points of the text. it should be brief . furthermore, the summary should be written as much as possible in your own words. it contains only the main ideas and what the author talks about the topic but not include much explanation or examples.

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相关内容: 高中英语 summary 范文 总结性 作文 高中英语 写作 对于


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