发布时间:2022-05-12 09:52:38来源:励普网
英 [ˌfɪfˈti:
美 [fɪfˈtin]
His heart clanged like fifteen buckets in a single well.
他心头上十五个吊桶打水, 七上八下。
The ages of the students of our class range from fifteen to eighteen.
So do I . . . but after all we've only been pretending to be fifteen.
For best results, the bottom of the fence should extend about fifteen centimeters into theground.
You may have fifteen jackets that potentially match numerous pants and shoes, but some shoesdo not go with some jackets.
So as a founder, I can know a team of around ten people really well. Sometimes fifteen is OK.
He asked me questions for fifteen minutes; mostly about how to measure the psychogalvanicreflexes and what they indicate.
It started when I was fifteen and continued while she was in prison.
For the next fifteen years she sang and danced in both Broadway and vaudeville shows.
Fifteen years ago most households had one computer, if that.
One husband experienced the phenomenon this way: “We’d have sex for fifteen minutes. ThenI’d be grouchy for a week.
He laughed the same hearty laugh of almost fifteen years before.
Also, we had to make our ten, fifteen, or it might be twenty miles to the next spike, where thegame would begin anew.
Usually, a project contains five to fifteen of these high-level needs.
But when I see a boy of fifteen, I see a child.
Fifteen world records have been set so far in Rome but not all in the new generation of suits.
So they followed patients for fifteen more months.
This special reunion is their first time together in almost fifteen years.
"Oh, were I but fifteen years old," said she: "I know that I shall love the world up there, and all the people who live in it.
“啊,我多么希望我已经有十五岁啊!”她说。 “我知道我将会喜欢上面的世界,喜欢住在那个世界里的人们的。”
He knew truck drivers used meth to stay awake on cross country drives. Knew that many of themwould rather piss in a bottle and throw it out the window than lose fifteen minutes with a truck stop.
He had rolled down a declivity of twelve or fifteen feet.
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