发布时间:2022-03-18 15:40:58来源:励普教育
糖尿病英文简介-What is diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects over 150 million people in the world today.
The precentage of people suffering from diabetes is increasing rapidly, to the point where many medical authorities are referring to it as an epidemic.
So what is diabetes?
Diabetes prevents your body from turning your food into energy. Instead glucose stays in your bloodstream, and left untreated can result in a range of complications.
If you have recently been diagnosed as diabetic, don't worry. With proper treatment and care, you will lead a normal and happy life. You may need to make a few changes in your lifestyle - but then, if you are like me, you probably had plans to do that anyway and just never got round to it.
Now is the time to kick yourself into action. You cannot leave this up to your doctor alone - it needs you to take responsibility for your own treatment, and that starts with understanding what you are dealing with.
There are three types of Diabetes:
Type 1 Diabetes, (sometimes called Juvenile Diabetes) is usually found in young children and teenagers, but can also occur later in life.
In Type 1 Diabetes, your body is not producing insulin, a hormone needed to convert blood sugar into energy. Normally this hormone is produced by cells in your pancreas, but for some reason this is not happening as it should.
As the glucose in your blood can't be converted into energy and absorbed by your cells, it builds up causing high blood sugar.
Left untreated, high blood sugar can cause serious long-term health problems.
The normal treatment for people with type 1 diabetes is daily injections of insulin which keeps the blood sugar level within normal ranges.
Finding out you have diabetes can be upsetting, but it should not prevent you from living a long and happy life.
If you think this condition will prevent you leading an active life, consider Sir Steve Redgrave, one of the World's greatest Olympic athletes.
Sir Steve battled type 1 diabetes to win his record-breaking fifth Olympic Gold medal at the Sydney games in the coxless fours rowing event!
Type 2 diabetes (sometimes called mature onset diabetes) is the most common form of diabetes.
As with Type 1 Diabetes, the problem is related to insulin, a hormone needed to convert sugar into energy.
With Type 2 diabetes your body might be producing too little insulin, or it might not be reacting to the insulin correctly. Either way, the end result is that glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of going into the cells. Left untreated, high blood sugar can cause serious long-term health problems.
Type 2 diabetes usually appears later in life, often between the ages of 35-45 years. As it often develops slowly, many people may not recognise the symptoms, and may have diabetes without knowing it.
If you have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you are one of the lucky ones. Many people have diabetes without knowing it, and are at much greater risk of long term medical complications.
Finding out you have diabetes can be upsetting, but it should not prevent you from living a long and happy life. You may need to make a few changes in your lifestyle, but these changes are also good advice for non-diabetics, so probably a good idea anyway.
Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes, that is only suffered by pregnant women.
In Gestational diabetes, a woman’s blood sugar is higher than normal because of the other hormones pridcued during preganancy interfere with the insulin that is produced naturally.
Gestational diabetes usually becomes apparent during the 24th to 28th weeks of pregnancy, and, in most cases, disappears of its own accord once the baby is born.
Women with gestational diabetes usually do NOT have an increased risk of having a baby with birth defects.
Generally, sufferers of gestational diabetes have normal blood sugar levels during the critical first stages of the preganancy.
Whilst there can be complications caused by gestational diabetes, these can usually be managed by careful attention to nutrition and blood sugar levels.
Approximately 3 to 5 percent of all pregnant women in the developed world suffer from gestational diabetes.
A1C –Hemoglobin A1c 醣化血色素
A-II receptor antagonist/blockers-ARA [ARB]血管张力素II 接受体拮抗剂/阻断剂
A chain,insulin, 胰岛素α链
Acanthosis nigrans, 皮肤棘状黑色素瘤
Acarbose,一种α-葡萄苷酶抑制剂 ,Acarbose [Glucobay-Bayer]
Accountability measures 质量改善度评量
ACCU-Check Compact-Roche Diabetes Monitoring Kit 一种携带型血糖机
Accupril --Quinapril [Acupril-Parke Davis]之商品名
ACEI=ACE inhibitor 血管张力素转化酶抑制剂 [ACEI 非正式名词]
ACE inhibitors 血管张力素转化酶抑制剂
ACE-K煮甜甜--Acesulfame Potassium [煮甜甜—益富]一种Sweatener 甜味矫味剂
Aceon--Perindopril [Aceon-Solvay] [Acertil-Servier]一种血管张力素转换酶抑制剂
Acertil--Perindopril [Aceon-Solvay] [Acertil-Servier]一种血管张力素转换酶抑制剂
Acesulfame Potassium =ACE-K [煮甜甜—益富]- 一种Sweatener 甜味矫味剂,
Adalat--Nifedipine [Adalat-Bayer] [Adalat OROS-Bayer] 一种钙离子径路阻断剂
Adalat OROS--Nifedipine[Adalat OROS-Bayer]一种钙离子径路阻断剂 长效型
Adhesion molecule 黏着分子 与动脉硬化形成有关,可被HDL抑制
Acertil --Perinodopril [Acertil-Servier]商品名,属于ACE inhibitor用于糖尿肾病变
Acetoacetate 乙酰乙酸盐 乙酰醋酸
Acetohexamide 口服降糖药物 Acetohexamide [Dymelor-Lilly]
Acetone 丙酮
Acetylsalicylic acid: [Aspirin-Bayer],乙酰水杨酸,阿司匹林
Acidosis 酸血症
Acipimox [Olbetam-Pharmacia] 烟碱酸类降脂剂
Action--Insulin 胰岛素之作用
Actos –Pioglitazone,Insulin sensitizer胰岛素敏感度反应性增强剂 新降血糖药物
Actrapid Human Insulin-Novo Regular, Human insulin作用型 人体胰岛素
Acute myocardial infarction急性心肌梗塞
ADA=American Diabetes Association 美国糖尿病学会
ADDQOL=Adult of Diabetes Dependent QOL成人糖尿病相应生活质量
Adhesion--Insulin 胰岛素沾粘性
Adrenergic blockers交感神经阻断剂
Aducut--Delapril [Adecut-武田] 一种血管张力素转换酶抑制剂
Adult of Diabetes Dependent QOL=ADDQOL成人糖尿病相应生活质量
Adult Treatment Panel III , National Cholesterol education Program =NCEP ATP III
AER Albumin excretion rate尿液白蛋白排出率
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