2023-11-12 09:59:40来源:励普网
According to a survey about the communication between students and their parents, about 67% of students are willing to communicate with their parents about their studies, while only 22% of them are willing to talk about their personal affairs with their parents. Besides, 32% of students or so often ask their parents to buy books for them, but only 3.7% like to talk about study habits with their parents.
The survey indicates the limitation of communication between students and their
parents. Since parents" concern is on their children"s studies, the latter are expected to be ready to make their performance and problems known to their parents. This is what all the parents insist on. However, some students don"t want to tell about anything on studies to their parents. They may be afraid of being blamed for their failures on studies. In spite of the fact that 67% of students like to talkabout their studies with their parents, less than one third of the percentage like to talk about their personal affairs in family, which is partly due to the existence of the gap between the two sides. Most young peoplr don"t want theirparents to get involved in their own life because they long to maintain their spiritual independence. In conclusion, efforts should be made to improve the mutual communication between students and their parents. (227 words)
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