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朝代的英文 参考例句

2023-07-27 09:33:42来源:励普网



Born in burgundy, Charles was the product of three dynasties: Austria, burgundy and Spain
查理出生于勃艮第,是奥地利、勃艮第和西班牙三个朝代的产物。erect a dynasty.
建立一个朝代The Tang Dynasty was one of the most prosperous dynasties in Chinese history.
唐朝是我国历史上最兴盛的朝代之一。"The dynasty, year and country"s name were, however, obliterated."
"然朝代年纪,地舆邦国,却反失落无考."We" ve found it less difficult to learn the chronological table of the Chinese dynasties in chronological order
我们发现按时间先后顺序来记中国各朝代的年表就不那么难了His reign is also notable for the defeat of a great bengali raid
他的朝代也因击退了一次孟加拉人大规模的进攻而出名。This was followed by the Han, Sui, Tang, the Five Dynasties, Song, Liao, Kin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.
其后是汉、隋、唐、五代、宋、辽、金、元、明和清等各朝代。Another new dynasty, called Han (206 B.C.-a.D. 220), emerged with its capital at Chang"an.
另外一个新兴的朝代被称为是汉(公元前206年--公元220年),首都在长安。We"ve found it less difficult to learn the chronological table of the Chinese dynasties in chronological order
我们发现按时间先后顺序来记中国各朝代的年表就不那么难了。Cai Lun: A Chinese eunuch and prominent court official of the East Han Dynesty who invented papermaking in AD 105.

n. 王朝;朝代

There is no doubt that the Qing Dynasty postdates the Ming Dynasty.
毫无疑问,清朝继明朝之后。 The construction of the temples on the mountain started in the Tang dynasty and their expansion continued in the following dynasties
九华山自唐代开山建庙,以后不断扩建。Tang Dynasty calligraphy enjoyed the same fame as the Tang Dynasty poem.
唐代书法完全可以和辉煌的唐诗相媲美。The Tang Dynasty was one of the most prosperous dynasties in Chinese history.
唐朝是我国历史上最兴盛的朝代之一。This is a stupa niche from the Sui Dynasty.

相关内容: 朝代的英文 励普网


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