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秘书长的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-07-17 10:39:35来源:励普网



Tan Sri Dato" Ajit Singh, secretary-general of the Forum, presided over the closing ceremony
“博鳌亚洲论坛”秘书长阿吉特·辛格主持了论坛成立大会的闭幕式。Decide who is to be secretary-general by circling the candidate’s name on the document (submitted for approval)
在文件上圈定秘书长的人选The committee has settled on him as secretary general.
委员会决定选他为秘书长。"As the Secretary-general, Mr. Pan gave the students the impression that he was a stern character."
身为秘书长,潘先生给同学的印象是严肃的。The secretary-general"s actions were subsequently unanimously approved by the General Assembly
秘书长的这一行动后来得到大会一致的赞同。The government chief whip made sure the MPs were all present for the vote.
政府组织秘书长增加下院议员都出席投票。 That is obviously important and coheres with the aspirations that the Economic Secretary has just enunciated.
那明显十分重要,并且也于经济部秘书长刚刚发表的精神相吻合。He was an outsider in the race to be the new UN Secretary-General.
在新一任联合国秘书长的角逐中,他的胜算很小。During my early days in Nantah, the university did not have a Chancellor. It only had a Secretary-general.
我在南大初期,南大没有校长,只有秘书长。"But UN Secretary-General Kofi annan did say that ""the UN does not support a death penalty."

n. 秘书,干事,大臣,部长,助理

The position of secretary is void.
秘书的职位现在空缺。 I have got a secretarial qualification.
担任秘书的资格证明。He was the then secretary of Defense.
他是当时的国防部长。 She found a spot as a secretary.
她找到一个秘书的职位。 Cabinet secretaries pose and speechify.

adj. 普遍的,全体的;正常的;大致的,笼统的
n. 将军

generalized ensemble
广义系综 general average
共同海损 The steam can generate electricity by turning an electric generator.
蒸汽可以转动发电机发电。“Director General” means the Director General of the Organization
“总干事”指本组织的总干事The general directed the army to attack.

相关内容: 秘书长的英文怎么说 励普网


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