
Be here, 6:00 sharp.
sharp 准点 on the exact minute in reference to meeting at a specific point in time.强调在提到的这个时间点上面 I remember how much you used to love their banana splits.
banana splits 香蕉船某柒超爱的冰激凌,hiahia~~~you look like you could use a drink.
use a drink 需要喝一杯注意用的是useI thought you two were as thick as Wiis.
be as thick as thieves 莫逆之交这里查克说的虽然不是这句短语,但显然是从那儿偷换来的,所以这里应该是Wii之交。- Is that an Aaron Rose?
- Uh, pretty sure that"s Ikea.
咳,那个灯,连柒都一眼看出来是宜家的……Starting with "dad knows" and ending with "these drinks are not for me."
标准的哥哥训话用语,还慢好玩的。Um, does Vanessa know that girl who was hitting on you?
hit on sb. 与某人调情hit的意思很多,blah blah blah...I"m gonna stick around.
stick around 逗留Too bad he doesn"t realize Jenny"s oath is less Hippocratic and more hypocrite.
Hippocratic oath 希波克拉底誓言
hypocrite 伪善的玩了一个文字游戏,有意思。希波克拉底誓言是流传约2000多年的确定医生对病人、对社会的责任及医生行为规范的誓言,以希波克拉底的名字命名,希波克拉底是公元前5~前4世纪著名的希腊医生。这一誓言很可能在希波克拉底之前已经在医生中代代相传,以口头的形式存在,希波克拉底也许是第一个把这一誓言用文学记录了下来的人。这一誓言中有封建行会及迷信的色彩,但其基本精神被视为医生行为规范,沿用了2000多年。直到今日,在很多国家很多医生就业时还必须按此誓言宣誓。The Ikea Orb"s growing on me.
be growing on sb. 渐渐喜欢上某人或某物好像也有讲过了哦。Just have to take the plunge.
take the plunge 采取断然行动,冒险尝试I"m game if you are.
I"m game 我陪你俚语的说法,意思就是我奉陪到底。It slipped out.
slip out 说漏了嘴her reaching out to me,
reach out to 伸出手去触碰 move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense通常是表示比喻的意味,还挺难言传的一个词儿。In Poland, we have a saying "love is like head wound." It make you dizzy, you think you die...but you recover...