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导游用英语怎么说 导游的英文

2023-05-31 09:34:13来源:励普网


n. tour conductor; tour guide
v. conduct a tour

Work as a courier
当导游Licensed tourist guide
持证导游You will be contacted by the tour conductor.
导游会跟你联络。The guide flashed a light into the cave.
导游用手电筒照射洞穴。said the cicerone to the coachman, and the carriage drove rapidly on
导游对车夫说,马车疾驶而去。The tourists stepped out of the coach,armed to the teeth with cameras,binoculars,and guidebooks.
旅客们从旅游车里出来,人人都带着照相机、望远镜,还有导游书。A cluster of tourists are waiting for their tour guide.
一群游客正在等他们的导游。Contact the tour conductor for any question.
任何问题都跟导游联络。Tour fee inclusive: transportation, refreshment and guide.
团费包括交通费、茶点及导游。In Taiwan a touring guide can make a lot of money.

n. 巡回演出;旅行
v. 巡回演出;旅行

It was a sightseeing tour.
这是一次观光旅行。I conduct tours.
我当旅游向导。We toured the streets of Milan.

n. 指挥;;列车员;导体

He"s the conductor of an expedition.
他是远征队队长。The conductor signaled the orchestra to rise.
指挥打手势让乐队起立。The conductor shambled to the next carriage.

v. 引导;引路;带领;操纵;影响;指导
n. 向导;导游;指导者;指导原则;准则;指南;入门书

To be guided by destiny
听天由命Reason be the guide and light of life .
理性是人生的灯塔。 control lever guide collar

相关内容: 导游用英语怎么说 励普网


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