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薄荷的英文怎么说 薄荷的英文

2023-05-29 11:09:58来源:励普网


field mint

Camomile,mint,herb tea
菊花、薄荷、药草茶.Peppermint is cultivated on some farms here.
这里有些农场种植薄荷。Sage, mint and dill are all herbs
鼠尾草、薄荷、莳萝均为药草A hamburger patty;a peppermint patty.
牛肉肉末饼;薄荷饼For me it"s a peppermint mocha latte.
对我来说那就是一杯薄荷飘香摩卡拿铁。Any of various aromatic plants of the genus Monarda in the mint family, such as the bee balm.
香蜂草任一种唇形科中薄荷属的芳香型植物,如蜜蜂花等。Or catmint. Aromatic herb (Nepeta cataria) of the mint family.
亦称猫薄荷(catmint)。唇形科芳香草本植物,学名Nepeta cataria。Herbs are the fragrant leaves of such plants as basil, marjoram, mint, rosemary, and thyme."
香草是墨角兰、薄荷、迷迭香和百里香等植物气味芬芳的叶片。Sage, mint and dill are all herbs.
鼠尾草、薄荷、莳萝均为药草。This candy tastes of mint.

n. 原野,田地;运动场;领域,专业;实地,野外
adj. 实地的,野外的,野战的;野生的;田间的
v. 接球;巧妙回答

A rectangular field is to be subdivided into eight equal fields to sell.
这块矩形的土地被划分成八等分再出售。Scatter seeds on the fields/scatter the fields with seeds
在田里播种[把种子撒在田地里]They leveled a field yesterday.

n. 薄荷;大量;巨(款);造币厂
v. 铸造,铸币

They learned to mint from the Greeks.
他们从希腊人那里学会铸币。Camomile,mint,herb tea
菊花、薄荷、药草茶.The Romans learned to mint from the Greeks.

n. 薄荷;薄荷油;薄荷糖

For me it"s a peppermint mocha latte.
对我来说那就是一杯薄荷飘香摩卡拿铁。Dab an essential oil of jasmine, peppermint, or vanilla on your arm and sniff.
在手臂上轻轻拍上一些茉莉花、薄荷或香草精油,不时地闻一闻。Pour half the mixture in a flat tray or utensil. Add peppermint essence, and mix well. If you are using the color, mix it too.

相关内容: 薄荷的英文怎么说 励普网


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